Time management is key to managing a busy life. I start my day with an alarm, just like most people. From there, everything is about keeping on schedule. People who know how much do often wonder how I do it all. Although I may sometimes lose sleep, it is mostly about keeping on schedule. Here is an idea of what my typical day looks like:
6:30 a.m. - Wake up.
This is my quiet time. I get up, shower and dress without anyone asking anything else of me. I read a quick chapter in a fantasy novel while I brush my teeth and heat water for tea.
7:05 a.m. - Wake the eldest.
My eldest child is in high school and can't quite get himself started in the morning. I get him up and make sure he has everything he needs to start his day.
7:15 a.m. - Prep home school.
My younger two children are learning at home. I make sure the day's work is laid out for my younger two. They only get screentime after their book work is done for motivation, but much of their learning is done through play.
7:30 a.m. - Eldest departs, wake the younger.
My middle child is the next awake. He can choose to start his school work with me, or play and have breakfast first. My youngest plays and has breakfast while I finish getting ready for work.
8:00 a.m. - Start work.
Working from home is a mixed blessing. My husband works swing shift at the hospital, so my being home means he can sleep in a little later, than he used to. It also means my boys always know where to find me.
I keep a list of all my tasks with deadlines and day planner that combines my family and work calendars, so everything is in one place. Large work projects also get electronic timelines and task lists. Mornings always include meetings and email.
11:30 a.m. - Shift change.
I don't know what I would do without my mom. She comes over when my husband gets ready for work and cares for my boys until I am done with work for the day. If my middle child hasn't finished his school work, I spend my lunch hour helping him and listening to him read. My mom does preschool work with my youngest, who is four years old. She is also has mercy on me and help with laundry and dishes.
12:30 p.m. - Back to work.
I am most productive in the afternoons, when I have long blocks of time without meetings. This is when I do my writing and editing, build webpages and update timelines. I end the day by going over my task list and prioritizing my work for the next day.
5 p.m. - Dinner and appointments.
Thanks to virtual appointments, I can make dinner while my boys have speech therapy or tutoring. Evenings can be a rush if we have basketball practice or scouts to prep for.
6:30 p.m. - Scouts.
Twice a week, I volunteer with either a Cub Scout pack (for my middle son) or a Scouts BSA troop (for my eldest). I serve as Committee Chair, Volunteer Coordinator and Den Leader for the pack. My favorite part is seeing the kids have fun together. I use my communications skills to recruit youth and volunteers. I keep our calendar up-to-date, ensure our facility is reserved, and delegate tasks to different volunteers. I support the troop as Advancement Chair, helping the older scouts reach their goals up to earning the rank of Eagle Scout, and ensure they are recognized for their accomplishments.
8:00 p.m. - Family time.
Evenings end with family time. Once everyone is ready for bed, we read. My boys share my love for fantasy adventures, but we mix it up with non-fiction. We're learning about robotics, with a special interest in combat robots. We're learning to design and build as we go.
9:00 p.m. - School time!
I spend my evenings and most of my weekends working on school assignments. I am working toward a master's degree in strategic communciation through Washington State University's Global Campus. Here, too, my planner is an essential tool. I know when my assignments are due and how much time I have to work on them so that my time is budgeted between my projects. I have taken two classes at a time (one in summer) since Summer 2020.
Limited time means that I might choose a project more familiar so I can create a better product instead of speading all my time learning a new technique. I prioritize by deadlines and the point values of the assignments. Being busy forces me to make smart choices. By planning ahead I have more time for creativity and attention to detail.
I sneak in Wordle and Duo Lingo breaks to keep my mind alert. I also knit during videos or while I'm reading. I find the repetitive motions calming and I love knowing that I have created a useful object made out of these little moments.
11 p.m. - Bed time.
I like to spend time final part of my day reading a little more in my fantasy novels. Okay, maybe more than a little since I was able to finish 46 books in 2021, not counting bedtime stories read to my children, even while this busy!
I have amazed myself by being able to do so much. I know that I will miss the fast-paced learning that I have enjoyed the last two years, but I will also be grateful to get a little more sleep!